My January started out just fine until my son Chandler had his first Seizure. What did I just type? Yes, I typed Seizure. This was a day from HELL and by far the scariest moments of my life. 4 minutes felt like 4 hours and at one point I thought my son way dying. His breathing turned shallow and so slow that I thought he was just going to stop. The 911 operator was amazing although she thought I was a complete nut case. Chandler, who will be 16 soon (that will be another blog) had his first Grand Mal Seizure. I always hear of my clients and our friends going through this but I though we were in the clear. Well I was wrong!! Why? Why do we now have to worry about one more thing? One more medication! As if raising a child with special needs is not already enough! I have to add that he has a Seizure Disorder to his ASD. Poor kiddo, I watch him like a hawk. I am always checking on him and watching him closely as I am petrified of it happening again. I know I just need time but I don’t know how to get passed that day. I am thankful that it happened at home and that my husband was with me. I am also grateful that I broke his fall so it prevented a possible head injury but talk about a scary moment. Watching your children go through this is so difficult. I pray now not only for my son but also for all the families that have to worry about this on a daily basis with their loved ones.
I can finally write without tears, I can write without curse words, I can write in a calm state because I have come to the realization that I cannot control if it’s going to happen again. He is being treated by the best doctor and I have taken every precaution possible to ensure his safety should it happen again. Why am I sharing all this with you? Because from what I am learning, any and all children and adults with Neurological Disorders are at risk of Seizures. We should all be educated on what to do to keep our loved ones safe in case it happens because we never know. Thankfully my hero, my husband knew what to do. Thankfully he was home with me and just jumped in and took care of our boy while I was flipping out. This was a typical Sunday morning, we were just waking up.
Raising our kids is a difficult task, no doubt, but we all need to be as educated as possible and support one another. On a positive note, my son is doing beautifully. He is maturing and working hard everyday. I am much more at peace and doing what I do best which is advocating for all my kiddos (many of your children). I am beyond blessed with how this school year is going and how many families I have been able to help. We are currently all healthy and happy in our household. Busy as ever between therapy and sports but doing the best we can. Until the next time……………………..